We have a very active music and arts ministry here at Hanover Church of the Brethren. Here are some of the ways you can be involved:

Our Adult Choir meets every Wednesday, from September through May, at 7:00 pm for rehearsal. They perform an anthem during the worship service each week and a multi-piece cantata at Christmas. To end the season in May, they bring back some of the congregation’s favorite pieces from throughout the year and sing them again at our annual Singspiration Musical Worship service. You do not need to be an expert to join – just come and have fun making music with us!
Bell Choir

There is also an inter-generational bell choir that plays for various occasions throughout the year. Generally, pieces are played for prelude, offertory, or postlude for Christmas Eve and Easter Morning services. Practice is every week, immediately following the service. Minimal music reading skills are required, but no bell ringing experience is needed.
Special Music
Over the summer while the choir is on a break, we enjoy special music provided by individuals and groups from the congregation and outside guests during the service each week. The schedule for the summer is created in April and May. Contact the Director of Music to have your name added to the list. We would love to hear from you!
Throughout the year, we enjoy short dramas during our worship service and other events. If you enjoy acting or are willing to try something new, consider talking to the pastor about participating in a Drama! There are few props and costumes and little memorization to worry about, so don’t feel intimidated. There’s a part for everyone!
Bulletin Board
For those more talented in the creative visual arts, the bulletin board near the narthex stairs is decorated every month with a theme that is seasonally appropriate and/or uplifting to the congregants who pass through. For example, some of the past themes have been “Jesus is the reason for the season”, “Give thanks with a grateful heart”, and “Open new doors and join a new group this year!” If you’re interested in volunteering to decorate this bulletin board, please contact the church office.